About me
Background : Alison Collis MSc. BSc. PG Dip. in TA, MBACP
I'm an English counsellor, therapist and coach with 16 years experience, before that I had a successful corporate career. I'm qualified and registered which are essential. Just as important is my innate ability to see the best in others, fascination with different cultures and the desire to help others overcome difficulties in order to live happier more fulfilled lives. My particular area of expertise is the wellbeing, resilience and positive mental health of Expatriates, Global Nomads and Adult Third Culture Kids.
I use proven, practical approaches and my understanding of what is happening at the psychological level. I hold both a Bachelors and Masters degree from De Montfort University, I am a qualified Coach, Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist and a Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner. I am a registered member of the Association for Coaching: ALC0816M and the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists: 118342.
Why do people choose to work with me?
My clients choose me because I'm qualified, I specialise in expatriate, cross cultural and third culture kid issues and I have personal experience of these issues myself. They also appreciate that I follow professional practice ethics & guidelines, I have monthly supervision, I'm insured and I work from safe, confidential premises. Many clients find my knowledge of the corporate world very useful when our work together includes leadership development, organisational transition, team management or business start up. [Read Testimonials]
I work with individuals, couples and families in Lisbon and Obidos (Portugal) and worldwide via teleconferencing or telephone. I have specialist training in Transactional Analysis both as a psychotherapist and as a coach. I have lived in England, Scotland and Portugal and worked throughout Europe and in the USA with people from many different cultures and backgrounds. I have clients in Europe, North Africa, North & South America, the Middle East and Australia
What sort of people work with me ?
Adults of all ages, living anywhere in the world. The thing they all have in common is that at some stage in their life, they have lived in a different country to the one they were born in - and this has created problems. Those who have moved for the first time as an adult tend to have different concerns to those who moved as a child. About 50% of my clients work with me in person, 35% solely online and the remaining 15% a mixture of both, to suit their travel schedules.

Common themes and examples:
Just arrived and want your move to be successful.
Having difficulties navigating the new culture.
Your move has stirred up painful issues from the past.
You moved a lot as a child and now don't know where you really belong and/or are unsure of who you are.
The move has put a lot of strain on your relationship.
Recently become the ‘Expat Partner’ - what is your new identity? How can you make your life satisfying?
Finding it hard to cope without your old support network.
Feeling sad and or lonely.
Worried about the impact of the move on your children.
Need to prepare for your next overseas move.
My Approach
How do I work?
I put my client at the centre of our work together. The agenda is yours, my role is to help you resolve problem areas and achieve your goals. I'm able to do this because I've had very rigorous training both in psychotherapy and coaching, understand cultural difference and how to make personal change easier.
I offer all my new clients a free 'Explore Call' so that they can explain what they're looking for and I can begin the process of understanding them and what they need at the moment. The next step is our first actual session where we agree our focus, timescale, review points and how we will both know that our work together is complete. Essentially, we make a verbal contract and this gives our work focus and allows flexibility, because we can re-contract. It's transparent to both of us.
I follow the principles and practices of Transactional Analysis (TA) in my work. Over the 16 years that I've used it, I've found it to be extremely effective across the whole range of issues that my clients bring, it's a powerful and a gently respectful way of working. There are a number of TA tools that I use frequently with my clients, they are easy to learn, easy to remember and support positive, personal change.
I review my clients needs and direct my professional ongoing learning to find additional methods and tools to help. More recently I've added the Resilience Doughnut, story telling and arts-based therapy techniques to my core approach.
Alison also runs the business Alison Collis Counselling:
I normally respond within one working day to any contact from this site.