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Book Recommendations

All of the following I have read and recommend to clients. The Book images link to goodreads with more reviews and links to online stores. There is no commission.

"An essential read for parents and Third Culture Kids alike. Practical information and advice that will help make the most of the experience and reduce the problems." 

"A helpful and practical guide to raising kids abroad from an experienced mother of two TCK's. Features lessons learned and things to avoid."

“A really helpful guide to parenting from a fellow Transactional Analyst. Focus is on raising secure, happy children”

“Particularly useful for what to expect at each age & stage of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Illustrates different styles of parenting. ”

"An approachable book for anyone interested in Transactional Analysis. Practical models with real life application."

“Beautiful introduction to the art and science of therapy.”

"Indeed any book by Yalom is worth reading."

“Explores the differences between  'having' and 'being' mindsets. Practical advice to shift to your focus to 'being' for wellbeing.”

“An accessible book about depression and anxiety.”

“Helping to understand humans and encourage tolerance.


Development of the human species on Earth.”

“A very readable book about Portugal and how the Portuguese culture developed."

“Self paced workbook on understanding your best career choices.”

“Looking for a specific recommendation ?


Just ask.”

More reviews will appear over time ...

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