Testimonials from real people
Just a few of points on the references below:
Women are more willing to give references than men (roughly 1/3 of my clients are male).
The multi-cultural issues are more than the simple summaries suggest.
My policy is to protect the anonymity of clients.
"Your words and advice mean more than you know. Thank you for helping me through this extremely rich but confusing journey.
You pointed out the good aspects of my personality and your advice will follow me… well forever. I can’t thank you enough for being part of my expat journey! The right time, the right place! - Thank you Alison.”
Greek female in Portugal - age 39
American female in Portugal - age 50
"Working with you individually was a really validating experience for me as I was in a position to not only share my personal experiences, I was also open to hear your input. You helped me to realise that I already had all the answers, I just needed to see them, accept them and move forward.”
“Alison provided a vital lifeline to me when I took time out from my career to support my husband’s overseas move to Helsinki.”
English female in Finland - age 32
Scottish male in Singapore
- age 50's
"My coaching sessions with Alison were invaluable during our first 100 days in Singapore. She is an astute listener who expertly took me through the transition process and helped me to create a plan for a new environment.”
“Alison has extensive professional knowledge plus personal experience as an expatriate, and this coupled with her gentle manner and expertise as a consultant, facilitator and coach on the issue of moving countries provided the kind of support I needed at a time when I was in transition from one culture to another.”
Australian female in Portugal - age 50's
"The Transition Group came into my life, as a gift, the right time.. after our move from France to Portugal. In my head it was not an engagement, but a necessity for my well being. I enjoy the exchange between you and us, the camaraderie that we have created, the support and the good ambiance. I feel blessed to be part of an excellent group like ours! "
Lebanese female in Portugal - age 40's
The only way I can describe this experience would be transformative. I came to you expecting very little, but hoping that even just that little would allow me to get some clarity and peace of mind. What I have received from these sessions is so much more than I could have hoped for. Your patience, compassion combined with the frameworks you used were just what I needed. Yes, it took some work on my part to implement some of the ideas, but to be honest, once I understood them I was able to apply them almost instinctively, oftentimes without even knowing it. In every area that is critical to my happiness, I have seen marked improvements and gained greater insight into myself, my relationships and my work. You asked me a question early on in the process: what do you deserve? I was, frankly, stunned by the question because for so long, I hadn’t really focused on my own wants and needs. I know the answer to that question now and I thank you for asking it and helping me find my way to answering it.
American male in Portugal - age 50
"Alison supported and guided me through my journey from anxiety and worrying about everything to the destination of believing in my capabilities, and happily delegating future problems to my future self."
German Female - Age 32
"The Transitions Group workshops were very satisfying and comforting. They kept my "run-away" feelings somewhat grounded resulting in a sense of calm and well being at the end of the sessions.”
Indian female in Portugal
- age 80's
What I liked about the workshop was the sense of shared challenges and meeting others feeling similar. There was no one right answer but identification of specific potential challenges for TCK's. Some of the tools to use to frame challenges, particularly the timeline exercise I will bring home and use.
Parent workshop participant - Moving Stories