Parents of Third Culture Kids
Many parents have concerns about the long term effects of a mobile childhood. I provide practical advice and tools to help them reduce the risks and maximise the benefits.
When we take our children abroad it's easy to see how another culture can enrich their lives and broaden their minds. We also force them to say goodbye to loved ones, leave their home, their community & school behind and start anew. This is disruptive, however specific things can help. I coach parents through the transition period of an International move and also provide specific interventions when things get difficult.
Parents work with me when:
They are trying to decide if they should make an International move.
They are preparing to leave.
They have arrived and want to settle their children.
They a child who is sad and/or angry about the move.
They're not happy with how they are parenting.
They want to understand the side effects of a mobile childhood.
They parent in different ways (maybe from different cultural backgrounds) and this is causing problems.
I provide Parent Coaching and Workshops for Parents.