Adult Third Culture Kids (TCKs)
Adults who had a very nomadic or mobile childhood can be unsure of their identity. With a feeling of "I don't belong anywhere". There are specific techniques I use to help Adult Third Culture Kids claim their unique sense of self, feel more complete and settled.
Growing up between worlds as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) creates many advantages in terms of cultural intelligence, multi-lingual capacity and tolerance of others, but it can also have the downside of unresolved grief, difficulty in forming significant relationships and not really knowing where home is. Such pro's and con's of a cross cultural childhood are common.
The vast majority of my clients are adult TCKs and I thoroughly enjoy our working with people whose world horizons are wider. Together we work with a mix of strengths-based resilience, story telling techniques and occasionally art therapy to help build a stronger sense of identity and belonging.
I encourage Adult TCK's to use the Free Explore Call to determine where they want to focus.
You might prefer to start work alone by looking at the book recommendations for TCKs: