Global Mobility Professionals
Why international assignments fail ? - How HR can improve overseas placement success.
Somethings are missing from traditional relocation support services.
The MAIN reasons why International Assignments fail:
Selection of the wrong Assignee
Lack of clarity of the purpose and value add of the assignment
Lack of adequate goal setting and ongoing evaluation of progress
Insufficient planning for repatriation and post assignment career
Spouse and family dissatisfaction
We focus on Resilience & Results.
All of our modules standalone in their own right, which means you can just pick what you need for each assignment. They also integrate seamlessly together, so that you can create a complete personalized programme.
They are designed to sit alongside existing in-house or outsourced relocation and assignment support programmes. No two International assignments are the same.
Our support spans from 60 days pre-departure, through the assignment to 60 days post repatriation.
The Resilience Report -
Dashboard tracking tool that can provide early warning of an assignment in difficulty, providing the opportunity for early intervention avoiding the expense of unplanned return.
"My coaching sessions with Alison were invaluable during our first 100 days in Singapore. She is an astute listener who expertly took me through the transition process and helped me to create a new life in a new environment.” - Director, IT Sector - Singapore

International Assignment Preparation – Beginning with the end in mind.
Designed to guide Global Mobility Professionals through the important tasks that research identifies are vital, but often over looked in the pre-departure stage. Attention to these areas is proven to make a material difference to the success of the assignment.
Participants will:
Understand the importance of beginning with the end of the assignment in mind.
Prepare a clear statement of the purpose and the value add of the assignment for the home & host country business sponsors and the assignee.
Agree a 3-way contract between the assignee and home & host country business sponsors and the process for reviewing and changing the contract over time.
Set short, medium and long term goals for the assignment and subsequent repatriation.
Define the framework for assignee feedback, appraisal and support.

Returnee Retention – Avoiding the pitfalls of repatriation.
Designed to help Global Mobility Professionals retain your returned assignees with their valuable international experience. Research indicates that the assignee resigning to work for a competitor is a significant factor in the assignment not covering its investment costs.
Participants will:
Recognise the process of successful reintegration and retention ideally begins at the pre-departure stage of the assignment and what they can do now if this wasn’t completed.
Agree the process for maintaining the connection between the assignee and the home country business sponsor during the pre repatriation phase.
Encourage and provide situations for the assignee to showcase their newly acquired skills and expertise, pre and post repatriation.
Understand what they need to do for their assignee (& family) to reduce the impact of repatriation culture shock.
Global Mobility Professionals may be interested creating a customized support package by in incorporating elements from:
Executive Assignee Coaching Programmes – Hit the Ground Running, Expat On Track, Hit the Ground Running - Repatriation.