Retired Expats - Silver Coast

How to retire happily and successfully abroad.
- Understanding the challenges for retired expats moving and living abroad.
When retiring abroad we imagine everything we ever wanted for this stage of our lives, often including peace, space, time, warm weather, comfort and security. The reality of moving abroad to retire includes all of the normal transitions involved in moving country. Often the focus is on the measurable and quantifiable: pensions; tax; cost of living etc. Whilst the real and everyday issues associated with different culture; neighbours; day to day activities are ignored or assumed in some way.
It is possible to achieve most if not all of the imagined dream for retirement. You are much more likely to succeed by recognising and addressing the main challenges that almost everybody is confronted with in this situation.
Private drop in session - Obidos - Silver Coast
The drop in sessions are private and based at Clinimed, as used by Dr Rose Marie Barbosa.
You are welcome to pop along to ask about any issue or concern that you have.
The sessions run on the 1st Thursday of every month between 3:00 pm and 5:30 pm.
Alternatively if you want to check something out before hand or to specify a particular time slot use the "Register Now" for the drop in sessions.
“Thank you for helping us LOVE our life here - before we met you we thought our only option was to go back to the UK ...”
- John & Helena
Retiree Transitions and Wellbeing Groups - Clinimed Obidos - Silver Coast
This group runs in a private room in the Clinimed building, as used by Dr Rose Marie Barbosa.
Typical areas covered relating to retired expats :
Learn the main problem faced by expats retiring into new cultures and how you can reduce it.
Understand the common areas you need to focus on to make the retirement of your dreams.
See how to anticipate and avoid challenges to key relationships during this transition.
If you would prefer to arrange private sessions either as a couple or an individual please just use the contact me form to ask any questions and arrange availability and location.